Info on watching new season of Mad Men on Amazon Video-On-Demand through a Roku box?
June 21, 2010 12:01 PM   Subscribe

Do you watch Mad Men through Amazon Video-On-Demand on a Roku Box? If so, I could use some info...

I'm trying to find an easy, non-techy, legal solution to help my friend watch the upcoming season of Mad Men that starts on July 25.

It looks like the best solution is to buy her a Roku Box and give her a gift card for that she can use to buy VOD episodes as they're put up. Here are things I'm not sure about:

1) That Season 4 will, in fact, be on Amazon VOD.

2) How soon after they air on Sunday night are they put up on Amazon VOD? An hour, a day, a week, only after the full season airs?

3) Can she "preorder" the season before it airs at a discount rate or should I plan to give her $1.99 x 13 episodes?

4) Any personal experiences from watching it this way- quality or bandwidth issues, etc.

Thanks for any info you can provide.
posted by sharkfu to Media & Arts (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
I watched last season through iTunes (laptop plugged into TV, although standalone laptop would've worked pretty well, too) and it was great. Episodes were always available Monday night, and we did a full-season preorder with a discount.

Since then, I've gotten a Roku, so I'm watching this thread to see what people have to say about that experience; but if the Roku doesn't pan out, and your friend has access to a machine with iTunes, that was really a totally fine way to watch.
posted by COBRA! at 12:48 PM on June 21, 2010

Best answer: I watched season 3 this way. For season 3, preordering was available, but I haven't seen anything for season 4 yet. I'm assuming/hoping season 4 will be available from amazon, but I do not know that for a fact.

If I remember correctly, it was buying the entire season at once that got you a small discount (ten or twenty cents per episode), not preordering. Each episode was available when I woke up on the following Monday morning, but I don't know what time during the night that happened.

Quality was/is excellent (I keep watching them, and have also bought seasons 1 and 2). My internet is through Time-Warner Cable.
posted by JanetLand at 1:21 PM on June 21, 2010

Response by poster: Thanks, JanetLand. Exactly the info I needed. And thank you, Cobra. Good to know itunes puts them up quickly as a backup.
posted by sharkfu at 3:46 PM on June 22, 2010

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