Where to watch World Cup while in Italy
June 4, 2010 12:40 PM   Subscribe

Look for recommendations on where to watch the World Cup while traveling in Italy.

My travel plans got modified recently, and it looks like I'm going to spend the opening few days of the World Cup in Italy. As a big soccer fan, I'm bummed I won't get to watch USA v England at home with my friends, but I'd like to make the most the situation and find somewhere cool to watch it. I also figure it would be a great time to take in a real European/Italian soccer experience while there. So I'm going to make an effort to watch Italy v Paraguay. I will be in Florence for the USA game and Venice for the Italy game.

I'd love to watch the USA game with other Americans if possible, but really any decent bar will do (as long as it's not too crazy; my wife will probably be coming too).
posted by derivation to Travel & Transportation around Italy (4 answers total)
Have absolutely no worries about missing any of the games; they will be on in every restaurant, bar, store, etc. in the entire country. I was in Germany for WC2006 and it was magic. A world away from the US experience of having to find places to watch the games.
posted by bink at 1:03 PM on June 4, 2010

I was in Italy during the 2002 World Cup: Yes, virtually everywhere will be showing the games. It was quite awesome to be biking in the countryside and hearing the TV signal literally from all points around.

If you're looking to watch it with Americans (and other Nationals), I recommend Youth Hostels. Quite a few have bars or TV lounges with alcohol access. I was at this place in Firenze for an England game.
posted by dismitree at 1:30 PM on June 4, 2010

following up on what everyone said - you will have *no* problem watching any WC game during the entire series. Everyone will be watching pretty much every game, everywhere.

::: Fond memories of the 1994 Cup :::

What you will have trouble doing is getting anyone's attention while a game is on.

Seriously, to the Italians, this is the Super Bowl, World Series, NBA Finals, Stanley Cup, NASCAR, and College Football bowl series, all rolled into one. The Italians may be mostly Catholic, but the true religion is calcio.
posted by swngnmonk at 3:29 PM on June 4, 2010

I was there in 2006. Just look into any window.
posted by L'OM at 7:55 AM on June 5, 2010

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