Getting back to normal
May 18, 2010 7:06 AM   Subscribe

How can I get myself back to feeling normal after having bronchitis?

I had a bad chest infection for about 6 weeks and during this time I felt terribly ill, chest pains, constant coughing, loss of sleep, lack of energy. The infection is now gone, but after 6 weeks of feeling ill, I can't seem to get myself back to 'normal'. I still feel incredibly tired, sleeping longer than usual and I've become forgetful, missing appointments that I would normally be on top of. Needless to say, I just don't feel like I'm in tip-top shape. Is this normal when recovering from something like bronchitis? Is there anything I can do to get the rest of me feeling better now that the infection is gone?
posted by Anthro girl to Health & Fitness (2 answers total)
Exercise, something light like going for walks and bike rides. Just get outside and get some sunlight. That's going to be the fastest thing to help you regain some energy.

I've had chronic bronchitis over the years and know very well that drained feeling you're experiencing. The cough and congestion might be gone but yeah, it takes a little while to recover from those illnesses after the major symptoms disappear - the fatigue lingers. I compensate with caffeine, personally :P
posted by lizbunny at 7:33 AM on May 18, 2010

Bronchitis is rough to recover from. Lizbunny's suggestions are good; also, (assuming you have health insurance) you might ask your doctor about getting your iron and vitamin D levels checked. My own experience has been that adding an iron supplement seemed to double my energy. Supplementing vitamin D, once we tested that and found I was way too low, also seemed to double it. And fish oil has a similar effect. So for me, taking these three supplements means I have, subjectively, eight times the energy. :-)

Do be gentle and patient with yourself as you heal (I remember feeling terribly frustrated when I've been recovering from bronchitis — when is this going to be OVER?). You've been very sick, and it may take a while of coddling and pampering yourself to get back up to normal.
posted by Lexica at 7:52 PM on May 20, 2010

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