I need help designing a Blogger template!
February 17, 2010 7:50 AM   Subscribe

Are there any good resources for explaining how to turn an existing (simple) website design into a template for Blogger? I just want my blog to look like the rest of my website!

I have a website with a simple design (XHTML, two column CSS, left column is fixed) and I've decided that I want to have a blog to go with it.

Given that I don't really want to faff about with maintaining something, I've picked Blogger and planned to modify the template so that it looks similar to my own website. I'm not going for anything fancy here, just a list of posts and the ability for people to comment. I don't need all the other stuff that it offers.

However trying to hack up the blogger template to make it look like my site is turning into a major headache thanks to either the complete lack of documentation or my stupidity - or both. I've fought with the CSS, endured errors galore and on occasions had to stop and start all over again because I've changed something which meant that all my postings don't get displayed any more.

Are there any good sites out there which explain (step by step) how to take an existing web site design and get it implemented into Blogger?

I did a search on Google but the results are all about companies offering design services or people's pre-written templates - neither of which is what I want.
posted by mr_silver to Computers & Internet (1 answer total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
The key is template tags. You just throw them in your HTML wherever you want your blog data to appear.
Forgive me if you've gotten this far and were looking for something else!
posted by beyond_pink at 8:25 AM on February 17, 2010

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