Help me find this cartoon
February 3, 2010 12:34 PM   Subscribe

Help me find/remember this 10 years old, science fiction cartoon.

About 10 years ago, I was watching Cartoon Network a lot during the day. There was this sci-fi cartoon whose name I don't remember, but I do remember a few scenes from it. I don't remember the animation style, but it's possible it was a dubbed Japan/foreign style that was imported. I really want to remember so I can go and find it and see if it's any good.

The premise was somewhat reminiscent of Battlestar Galactica- humans in their ships, lost in space (I think they were lost), trying to fight the good fight. Their nemeses were human, robot/cyborg and alien I think. They had a main villain somewhat like Darth Vader- black dress code, cyborg, didn't show his face I believe.

So the scenes I remember are these:

1) after a space battle, 2 human fighter pilots, from each side crash land on a hot, desert like planet. They agree to a truce to help each other to survive, and promise not to betray the other when whoever's recovery team comes first. They rig one of their fighters to roll along on the ground with the landing gear, and use emergency blankets on poles as shade to help protect them. One remarks, "I never thought I'd use a blanket on a desert planet." Later in the episode the "bad guy" pilot is interrogated as to why he didn't betray the "good guy" pilot when rescued. He says something to the effect of, "H-he saved my life! What was I supposed to do?"

2) A space station or module from a space ship from the "good guys" side is lost in a nebula. Missile drones from the "bad guys" (which I think looked like little skulls that opened their mouths to fire missiles) were released into the nebula to track it down and destroy it. A group of fighter pilots from the "good guys" side go into the nebula to bring back the station/module. They find it eventually and start towing back towards known space. At one point, a woman in the station says over the intercomm to one of the pilots, "Hurry up Ace, we only have a few more minutes left of air." He replies, "That makes us about even. We only have a few more minutes left of fuel." I'm not sure if his name was Ace, but it'd fit his character.

So that's all I have. Hopefully someone can help out.
posted by Jason Land to Media & Arts (7 answers total)
posted by teabag at 12:56 PM on February 3, 2010

Here's the intro video
posted by teabag at 12:58 PM on February 3, 2010

Robotech was 80's, and does not fit the bill - I'm familiar with it, nothing in the series fits this description that closely. It's got some elements (Lost in space, trying to get home, fighter pilots, Anime / Dubbed), but it doesn't have a desert planet or the skull modules anywhere along the line.

My S.O. is good at obscure animations, I'll ask her.
posted by GJSchaller at 1:18 PM on February 3, 2010 - this might help jog your memory a bit.

Sorry I can't be more helpful, I'm not a sci-fi girl myself. I can almost guarantee it's not any of the gundams though, because you would have mentioned big mechanical robots.
posted by royalsong at 1:34 PM on February 3, 2010

Anime, skulls, and big blackships? It might a Captain Harlock movie. You can look at the character guide to see if any of the villains ring a visual bell.
posted by damn dirty ape at 2:00 PM on February 3, 2010

Sounds more like Gatchaman, aka G-Force: Guardians of Space. The team leader was named Ace, and the assorted enemies included giant insects, mechanical dinosaurs, and flying skulls. Harlock featured skulls as more of a Jolly Roger motif.
posted by Smart Dalek at 4:28 PM on February 3, 2010

Response by poster: It's not Gatchaman/G-Force, as that seems to be a superhero thing rather than a space pilot show.

Perhaps it was Robotech- it could have been reruns. What/who were the main antagonists in that show? There were definitely no big robots that featured prominently.

Also- I remember the characters seemed like adults, rather than teens/kids. Going through the link Royalsong provided, I realized some of these have a "kids save the day" sort of thing going on, and that wasn't in this show.
posted by Jason Land at 12:41 AM on February 5, 2010

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