Couples / marriage therapy in Round Rock / North Austin, TX?
November 26, 2009 7:15 PM   Subscribe

Need to find a therapist for my husband and I in the area. Preferably not affiliated with any religious organization. Need to make the appointment soon. Wanted to go to CAMHC, but they're booked up until January. Recommendations?
posted by Alias Unknown to Human Relations (1 answer total)
To other MeFites: based on the location of the link provided by Alias Unknown, their area is Austin, TX. Just FYI, to save you from clicking through to the link and then on to their contact/location details.

To Alias Unknown: I hope you find the right therapist, and soon. I've been there and it's not easy, but if you're both willing to go that is a good starting point. Good luck to you.
posted by pammeke at 8:45 PM on November 26, 2009

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