the difference it makes
November 24, 2009 12:29 PM   Subscribe

Sort of looking for an Internet Radio Stream that plays kompakt pop/ambient kind of stuff. Thank you!
posted by four panels to Media & Arts (6 answers total) 11 users marked this as a favorite
I can recommend Dirtyradio, although they don't ONLY play that type of stuff. Are you looking for something exclusive? You may as well try playing tag radio for Kompakt or something.
posted by mkb at 12:43 PM on November 24, 2009

Yeah, I've been listening to the ambient feed on lastfm for the past several days. You can see the exact tracks if you look at my profile page and/or click thru.
posted by iamkimiam at 12:48 PM on November 24, 2009

maybe something on soma fm?
posted by juv3nal at 1:15 PM on November 24, 2009 [1 favorite]

Along with juv3nal's excellent suggestion you should try I've had good luck with adding many streams from both stations. Another more obscure station would be the Slovakian Mixing of Particulate Solids -- very nice, and I believe they have played tracks in at the least one of the three stations that're in the same vein as what you've written down. As far as specific suggestions: the Tech House and Minimal streams on Digitally Imported may work for you. On Soma there's Lush and their various other downtempo stations (Groove Salad, Space Station Soma) that occasionally mixes in your sorta music.

tl;dr: Mixing up and Soma streams will definitely give you something within that vein.
posted by zer0render at 3:02 PM on November 24, 2009

If you like Kompakt's Pop Ambient compilations, then I'd say Soma's Drone Zone will be up your street. Lovely stuff, just pure ambient (so no Groove Armada type chillout stuff like you get on some so-called ambient stations).

Other than that, for Kompakt-y stuff in general, aside from above, maybe try:
Deep Mix Moscow
Radio Quintessenz

These are all available via Winamp, along with a lot of similar stuff. I tend to find Winamp's pretty good for finding minimal, techno, electronica and that kind of stuff.
posted by iivix at 3:20 PM on November 24, 2009

for the ambient side i've been using BlueFM out of South Korea for a couple of years - pretty eclectic and never intrusive..
posted by ptm at 9:01 PM on November 26, 2009

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