Correct parts for a Bernette/Bernina 812 sewing machine?
November 6, 2009 11:19 AM   Subscribe

Correct parts for a Bernette/Bernina 812 sewing machine?

I'm a sewing novice, never owned a sewing machine. Thus, many of my pants and jeans are too long, some garments have the ugliest button threading ever, and I still have an unmended hole in my jacket pocket.

I picked up a Bernette 812 "Made for Bernina" at a garage sale for two bucks, and it appears to be in good working condition. I can't tell, however, since it is missing the power cord and foot pedal.

Does anyone know the proper parts for this unit? I can't find a service manual or a whole lot of information on this model, and don't want to order the wrong parts.

posted by Perplexer to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (4 answers total)
Best answer: You can find a dealership near you through their website.

The Bernette models, in my experience, are the lower end of the Bernina series. My understanding is that they were/are made in China or India but licensed through Bernina. This means that you may be able to switch out parts with other machines that are not Berninas (But only maybe. It depends on how old it is).

If you want to post a link of the side or back of the machine where the cord plugs in, I could tell you if the prongs there would work with another company's plug/pedal.

You got a great deal if it works well!

Just fyi - when you do find a dealership near you I have found them to be VERY coy and secretive over the phone most of the time. They always want you to come in so they can upsell you or service the machine. So don't expect a direct answer right off the bat. You may have to drag it out of them of go in.

Oh - and make sure if you need bobbins you find out if you need the proprietary Bernina bobbin for your machine or if you can use a regular class 15 bobbin. Some of the Bernette series recently looks like it could take a 15 even though regular Berninas cannot.
posted by Tchad at 12:46 PM on November 6, 2009

Best answer: Older, good quality, sewing machines for decent prices are actually quiet common. It might be cheaper and less of a hassle just to keep an eye out for another (complete) machine at another garage sale. (I'm quite partial to Singers)
posted by silkygreenbelly at 4:31 PM on November 6, 2009

Oh, and while I am thinking about it, you may want to go through
See what they have - I recommend them to my students when they buy an older machine.
posted by Tchad at 5:05 PM on November 6, 2009

Response by poster: Thanks! Wouldn't you know it; I found a decent Singer at a yard sale for five bucks (with fully functional power cord and foot pedal). The woman gave me a 20-minute tutorial, to boot!

I may even be able to create a 3-pin adapter to use the Singer pedal on the Bernette now, too! I've been so busy, I haven't had time to post a pic of the connector, but hope to do so soon.
posted by Perplexer at 3:20 PM on November 10, 2009

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