Inglorious Hat
September 25, 2009 6:04 PM   Subscribe

What kind of hat did Melanie Laurent wear in Inglorious Bastards? (link included inside)

I have someone special that wants a hat like the one Melanie Laurent wore in Inglorious Bastards. I'm unsure what kind it is (a cabby?) however for reference here is a link of what it looks like.

Can anyone help identify what style of hat that is and where would be a good place to purchase one?

posted by Hands of Manos to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
link says url was not found
posted by KateHasQuestions at 6:33 PM on September 25, 2009

If you right-click the link, do "copy link location" and then paste it into your address bar in Firefox, it will probably work. (Worked for me.)
posted by Conrad Cornelius o'Donald o'Dell at 6:47 PM on September 25, 2009

Fixed link
posted by smackfu at 7:15 PM on September 25, 2009

I would call it a newsboy cap. Here's one in brown tweed but with a braid.
posted by cabingirl at 7:31 PM on September 25, 2009

Response by poster: oh wow sorry for the broken link!

Thanks cabingirl, that looks pretty close!
posted by Hands of Manos at 8:38 PM on September 25, 2009

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