Where can I watch/download/buy/whatever the 90s documentary DICEWORLD?
July 25, 2009 7:49 PM   Subscribe

Where can I watch/download/buy/whatever the 90s documentary DICEWORLD?

Searching around shows me that Big Table Films made the movie, but any and all links to purchase and download the film are broken. I found the trailer, but I can't find any current places to even buy the thing, let alone pirate it.

Any ideas?
posted by wordsmith to Media & Arts (3 answers total)
Response by poster: and yes I contacted the director....
posted by wordsmith at 7:55 PM on July 25, 2009

"DICEWORLD, was aired on Channel Four in the UK in the summer of 1999" http://www.lukerhinehart.net/Stage-2.html

Perhaps send a request to channel4.com?

Or if all else fails, his books probably give a good general idea...

btw this reminds me of the movie Chaos Theory
posted by renovatio1 at 10:01 PM on July 25, 2009

The Big Table Film link to buy is dead, but perhaps the company is still there (or whoever ran it and shut it down has some old stock to sell).

This googled link may or may not be the right company http://www.icitta.co.uk/big_table_film_co-238009-a.html

And http://www.imdb.com/company/co0206597/ says "more information about this company is available on IMDBpro". Which may be nothing more than the dead website name, but they have a 2 week free trial which is worth signing up to check for other contact info I think.
posted by aguy at 10:09 PM on July 25, 2009

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