Creepy abduction photographs true or not ?
June 18, 2009 5:37 AM   Subscribe

I read a true crime book some years back, I don't remember anything about the book except one story. My memory is hazy, but this is what I remember: some people were abducted in the USA. My memory tells me it was a mother and child/ren. I'm 99% certain it was an adult woman and at least one child even if they may not have been related. Now the very creepy part. Photos of these people were found in a public bathroom sometime later. In the photos the woman was tied up, perhaps a child was also in the photo I'm not sure. I'd like to verify if this story was indeed true or just made up by the author and I've tried googling many times without luck. I'm sure it has nothing to do with Harvey Glatman.
posted by selton to Grab Bag (2 answers total)
Best answer: I wonder if you are thinking of this case? I stumbled on the details awhile back, and the photo is really haunting.
posted by JenMarie at 6:08 AM on June 18, 2009

Response by poster: Yes JenMarie that's it.

Thanks very much, even though my memory was poor, you got it. Once I saw the photo on your link I knew it was what I had seen.

I've tried hundreds of google searches with different word combinations.

Now I'll read the article properly.
posted by selton at 6:16 AM on June 18, 2009

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