What should I do with my new car that has paint problems?
April 22, 2009 6:15 AM   Subscribe

I bought a brand new vw scirocco on the 15/3/2009 last week i noticed a character from the badge on the boot had fallen off and on closer inspection it appears the paint it cracking behind the lettering. So i took it to my nearest VW body specialist as i assumed it would be covered under guarantee however he said it had been resprayed and they wouldnt touch it and to take it back to where i bought it. can i demand a replacement boot? can i throw the car back even though its over 30 days (im in the uk). help suggestions appreciated
posted by toocan to Travel & Transportation (2 answers total)
Assuming you bought it from a main dealer then just take it back to them. If its new then there will have at least a years warranty. If they kick up a fuss then I would suggest contacting the CAB as I would like to think this would easily fall under Sales of Goods act as the quality of the car is obviously below par. IANAL etc
posted by rus at 7:40 AM on April 22, 2009

And if you don't get instant (and I mean basically, "no questions asked") satisfaction from the dealership, call the national VW office. People remove badges all the time without the paint failing underneath. The dealership should be apologizing to you profusely, especially in this economy.
posted by rhizome at 12:45 PM on April 22, 2009

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