Subtitled videos on an iPhone?
January 12, 2009 3:48 AM   Subscribe

I have a bunch of .avi files with separate .srt subtitle files. How can I convert them to .mp4, so I have a video with subtitles that plays on my iphone? I'm using a Mac, running Leopard.
posted by spockette to Computers & Internet (4 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Submerge or RoadMovie.
posted by at 4:05 AM on January 12, 2009

The above two programs seem to be shareware; mp4box will do this for free by converting SRT to MPEG-4 timed text and re-muxing the AVI to MP4, but I don't know of a good GUI for OS X.
posted by Inspector.Gadget at 6:40 AM on January 12, 2009

Best answer: ffmpegx converts every format, and has a subtitle option in the Filter tab that should work for you.
posted by kolophon at 7:52 AM on January 12, 2009

Best answer: I've done this successfully with ffmpegx, but it only worked if I used the mencoder codes, not the ffmpeg ones.
posted by AmbroseChapel at 2:25 PM on January 12, 2009

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