Mobile Banking in San Diego, CA
November 30, 2008 9:56 AM   Subscribe

What is best mobile banking solution in San Diego, CA?

I just moved from LA to San Diego and I realized that my bank (First Federal) doesn't have a branch down in San Diego, also I can access my online banking service from FirstFed from my blackberry, which is annoying. Can anyone recommend a good bank that has branches in San Diego (and LA and everywhere?) that has good online banking, mobile accessibility, good banking features and low rates or whatever else I should be looking in the bank.

posted by allfortheBoss to Work & Money (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I don't live in San Diego, but since no one else has yet answered, I will say that Bank of America has a rather extensive online banking system, including mobile access on a variety of platforms (Android!). Because they are UltraSuperMegaBank, they have more branches and ATMs than Starbucks has outlets.
posted by fireoyster at 1:00 PM on November 30, 2008

I do live in San Diego--and Los Angeles.

My parents have long banked with San Diego County Credit Union so I can recommend them to some extent (you're eligible as a San Diego County resident) and they have a fairly robust online banking system. (I have no idea, however, how well SDCCU's website plays with a Crackberry).

What it doesn't have is branches everywhere, though as it is a credit union you're often able to use other credit union ATMs.

I can't think of a local-to-San Diego bank that has a prominent 'everywhere' presence. Wells Fargo is more or less California based, Bank of America *is* everywhere, as pointed out above, and from there you devolve into other national banks that have other issues. I use Washington Mutual but for obvious reasons don't recommend them.
posted by librarylis at 8:27 PM on November 30, 2008

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