An avant-garde play about an interview — but who wrote it?
November 16, 2008 1:41 PM   Subscribe

TheatreFilter: help me find the text (or at least the author) of a play I acted in a long while ago. It was a bizarre avant-garde sort of thing, and the excerpt we performed centered on an interview.

Details, as well as I can remember them:

For what it's worth, I think our director told us the author was French.

The 'interview' portion had four interviewers and four interviewees, all of whom spoke in overlapping fragments. There was a great deal of (precisely scripted) standing up and sitting down, as well as a scene that took place on a bus, I believe.

Again, this was a very long time ago and we only performed an excerpt, but any thoughts on what it might be would be greatly appreciated.
posted by hatta to Society & Culture (2 answers total)
Best answer: Jean Claude Van Italie, American Hurrah. The first segment of it is called "The Interview," I think.
posted by HeroZero at 2:13 PM on November 16, 2008

Response by poster: Aha! That's it, I believe. Thanks, HeroZero. It's a difficult play to Google for without the title, as you can imagine. Now to read the whole thing...
posted by hatta at 2:21 PM on November 16, 2008

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