Controlling the volume of applications in Windows?
November 16, 2008 6:08 AM   Subscribe

Is it possible to control the volume of individual Windows applications (or Firefox windows/tabs?) Also, is it possible to boost the volume of (e.g.) a YouTube video?
posted by callmejay to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
Best answer: Not that I am promoting M$ Vista (although I do use it on one of my PCs). But the new vista sound mixer provides individual sliders for /every/ application.

Very, very handy for screening youtube at work. Too bad the OS is so flawed.
posted by judge.mentok.the.mindtaker at 6:38 AM on November 16, 2008

It costs money, but IndieVolume can apparently do this on XP. I've not tried it myself, but it could be what you're after.

There's also a Lifehacker thread on this very subject (which is where the idea for IndieVolume came from), but no good freeware alternatives seemed to be forthcoming.
posted by chorltonmeateater at 8:58 AM on November 16, 2008

Response by poster: Thanks judge.mentok.the.mindtaker. I actually use Vista, so I feel kind of stupid that I never figured that out. Must not have tried on my new machine.
posted by callmejay at 1:23 PM on November 16, 2008

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