My Spanish is not up to the task
November 3, 2008 9:20 AM   Subscribe

Where, exactly, in Chihuahua do you catch the bus to Santa Eulalia? We were told it was the Francisco Portilla bus and could be caught on Ave. Ninos Heroes. We´ve waited for literally hours and not seen it.
posted by bricoleur to Travel & Transportation (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
okay, I just saw your title and I see why you're not asking around. My Spanish is rusty, but I'd just say, perdon, donde esta el parada de autobus a Santa Eulalia? You can also just inquire habla ingles? before you ask for directions. The odds are good you can mime it out; in my experience, Mexicans are patient with Spanish learners (at least, more so than Americans can be with English learners).
posted by changeling at 10:43 AM on November 3, 2008

Response by poster: Thanks, but my Spanish, bad as it is, isn't that bad. I just can't follow when people talk very rapidly. And in Chihuahua, I think they are not so used to tourists and, hence, do not speak slowly to accommodate. Everyone we talked to tried to help but we had misinformation from the get-go and it took a while to work through that.

Anyway, for the record, the Francisco Portillo bus doesn't go anywhere near the Ave. Niños Héroes. (That may be a temporary situation due to construction, though.) We finally picked it up on Ocampo south of 20 de Noviembre.
posted by bricoleur at 8:19 PM on November 6, 2008

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