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Questions About Hudson, NY
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June 22, 2015

Tips for a first-time music festival attendee?

I've never been to a multi-day music festival, but this fall's Basilica Soundscape in Hudson, NY looks like it might be perfect- the price is right for camping, it's not terribly far away or hard to get to by Amtrak, and it won't interfere with my school schedule. What would experienced festival-goers recommend? Has anyone been to previous Basilica Soundscapes? [more inside]
posted by Merzbau around Hudson, NY at 10:20 PM - 7 answers

August 3, 2011

Photographing Hudson, NY

Interesting, scenic, unusual photo spots in and around the town of Hudson, NY? [more inside]
posted by falameufilho around Hudson, NY at 4:07 PM - 4 answers has best