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Questions About Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
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February 21, 2018

Call me Nermal.

I'm heading to Abu Dhabi for the last two weeks of March for work. What are your recommendations for things to see/do and restaurants not to be missed. [more inside]
posted by eulily around Abu Dhabi, UAE at 10:58 AM - 7 answers has best

January 11, 2014

Lowdown on Abu Dhabi/UAE?

I just found out that I'll be spending the rest of the month in Abu Dhabi for work, staying in company housing somewhere downtown. I'd love to hear about others' experiences around in Abu Dhabi and the UAE. [more inside]
posted by benbenson around Abu Dhabi, UAE at 10:04 AM - 2 answers has best

May 8, 2011

Renting in Abu Dhabi

I am moving to the UAE, Abu Dhabi next week to start a new job. How do you go about finding an apartment to rent. Any online resources? Or do I ask around for a broker when I get there?
posted by convex around Abu Dhabi, UAE at 2:51 PM - 5 answers has best

June 22, 2009

Abu Dhabi: yes or no?

I can't tell if this job opportunity in Abu Dhabi is the chance of a lifetime or a potentially huge mistake. [more inside]
posted by fiery.hogue around Abu Dhabi, UAE at 11:12 AM - 8 answers has best

July 17, 2008

What is the cost of living in Abu Dhabi or Qatar?

What is the cost of living for a single western expatriate in Abu Dhabi (UAE) or Qatar? [more inside]
posted by thewalrus around Abu Dhabi, UAE at 5:24 PM - 3 answers