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Questions About Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
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September 5, 2014

If you had your choice: Isla Mujeres, Tulum, or somewhere else?

A (platonic) friend and I have settled on a week in the for our annual adventure Yucatan with the necessity of observing Dia de los Muertos as traditionally as possible. What's out: resort-y tourist traps and highbrow urban scenes. What's in: rustic, natural, and easy access to natural & historic sites. Muchas gracias in advance for your suggestions. [more inside]
posted by moonbird around Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico at 9:34 AM - 10 answers has best

January 6, 2010

Any suggestions for a trip to the Yucatan Peninsula?

What are some great places to visit, preferably off the beaten track, in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico? [more inside]
posted by fdhidalgo around Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico at 11:20 PM - 8 answers has best