Is there a porn blocker that I can set up to block sites from myself
July 30, 2008 4:17 AM   Subscribe

Is there a porn blocker that I can set up to block sites from myself?

Yes, I have "that problem". I'm addicted to porn on the net.

I really want to just stop looking at those sites. Is there something I can install that will let me enter a list of sites I don't want to go on, and block them until my cravings end, or indefinitely? I've already tried scrubit, that's blocked some sites but not all.

posted by hnnrs to Computers & Internet (11 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

Try OpenDNS - nothing to install. Libraries use it and other places where access to certain categories of website needs to be restricted.
posted by wannalol at 4:27 AM on July 30, 2008

If you are of a religious persuasion, I once saw a pretty hilarious but also moving documentary on these guys who run a Christian help organization for porn addicts. I know it SOUNDS like a dirty site, but... actually offers help AND some software that sounds like what you're looking for. Even if you're not religious, I think it offers some helpful pointers.

Oh, and check out "Getting Off: Pornography and the End of Masculinity" by Jensen, a compelling argument for why pornography is damaging not only to women, as the argument is commonly heard, but also how it's harmful to men. Great, fascinating read. Good luck.
posted by potatopeople at 4:29 AM on July 30, 2008

Is it a particular list of sites, or just any and all pornographic sites? I recently blocked facebook on my work computer just by adding the URL to the 'restricted sites' list in options in Internet Explorer.
posted by twirlypen at 5:06 AM on July 30, 2008

Or get someone else to enter the password for you, so you don't know what it is—and you'd have to call them up and ask them for it to disable the blocker.
posted by greenie2600 at 5:30 AM on July 30, 2008 [1 favorite]

Or get someone else to enter the password for you
Or just enter an insanely long, difficult and random password that you'll never remember, confirm, and then destroy any record of it. Like "4Kc9JEs72kbGhyKC67fg".
posted by beagle at 6:04 AM on July 30, 2008

If you use FireFox, you can set up LeechBlock - it's supposed to be used to block yourself from using time-wasting sites like FaceBook or from checking your email too often, but it can block basically any site you want - even, say, Google searches for porn, and you can set up hoops (e.g. having to enter a randomly generated string of 64 characters to change the add-on's settings to slow yourself down when you feel temptation gnawing at your mouse finger.


Good luck! Hope you find a solution that works for you.
posted by WalterMitty at 6:10 AM on July 30, 2008

The xxxchurch software lets you set up accountability. It logs the sites you visit and sends them to a person of your choice. If you don't have someone irl to do it with, maybe you could find somebody on the forum.

I would also look on -- that's the Focus on the Family website. It doesn't matter if you're Christian or not; my guess is that they would have some crazyeffective porn blockers. Because porn is the devil, you know. (IAAChristian.)
posted by ramenopres at 6:43 AM on July 30, 2008

A little over two years ago I did this very thing. I was a young guy with a habbit but knew I needed help getting past it. I found a content filter like you described, I can't for the life of me remember which suite it was. Most of these filters are marketed at parents who want to monitor their kids or for business use. I was able to use one for kids.

The suite I used allowed me to filter/block porn and nothing got through, trust me, I tried. But it also had the ability to filter a large number of other types of sites including gambling, online games etc. There was a master password that I asked my gf to set so only she could make edits to the filters. Also, this program could not be uninstalled without the password. I would highly recommend finding a friend that you can trust with this password.

The big name in the filtering space is Net Nanny. It is not the one I used but as I said I can't seem to find the name of it now (I not longer need to use it). Take a look here for some reviews on various filters.

Good luck!
posted by firetruckred at 7:10 AM on July 30, 2008

Hosts file. No need to download or sign up for anything. In Windows, open c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts - or in OS X, /etc/hosts - in a text editor. Then just add the sites you wish to block line by line formatted like so:

...and so on.
posted by brownpau at 7:17 AM on July 30, 2008 [2 favorites]

In firefox there's a built-in "block images from this server" if you right-click an image. Might be a little more user friendly than the alternatives.
posted by damn dirty ape at 7:25 AM on July 30, 2008

Please consider a group like Sexaholics Anonymous or Sex and Love addicts anonymous. Some people are more serious cases, but most are just like you. You can always work around a technological solution to your problem, much like a person with an eating disorder could padlock their refrigerator but walk down the street to McDonald's. Even if you stop watching hardcore porn, there are always lingerie sites, and mass media shows plenty of skin and sex. You will most likely turn to these or another substitute (lots of sex addicts develop drinking problems). If you don't get to the root problem via therapy or a support group, it will not go away.
posted by desjardins at 9:18 AM on July 30, 2008

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