Which football club does Billy Bragg support?
June 11, 2008 9:33 AM   Subscribe

Which football club does Billy Bragg support? I understand he was born in Bridport, Dorset, and grew up in Barking, a suburb of the east Greater London area. Does Billy support Bridport FC, Barking FC, or some other club?

I've Googled like mad (including in MeFi) without finding an answer. I know Billy is football-mad, so I really need to know which club he supports - please help! Hoping someone can help me within the next 3 hours... Cheers!
posted by MetaK9 to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (9 answers total)
West Ham United
posted by missmagenta at 9:39 AM on June 11, 2008

I read West Ham too at IMDB Trivia
posted by therubettes at 9:41 AM on June 11, 2008

See Also
posted by missmagenta at 9:42 AM on June 11, 2008

I say West Ham as well.
posted by triggerfinger at 9:43 AM on June 11, 2008

Funny thing is googling your Question title 'Which Football club doesn Billy Bragg support?' returns 'Beyond being Bill's team what does West Ham have to offer in the way.......' in the first result!

It happens everyone..
posted by therubettes at 9:45 AM on June 11, 2008

Response by poster: Haha, thanks everyone...! I was Googling "Billy Bragg" and "football". In the past I haven't had much luck when Googling full sentences! ;P
posted by MetaK9 at 10:05 AM on June 11, 2008

Response by poster: I had Googled "Billy Bragg" and "football club" and "supports", and many different permutations thereof. Next time I will try a full sentence! ;) Thanks *so much* all. (I'm new here, BTW. Debut question. Thanks for your help!)
posted by MetaK9 at 10:12 AM on June 11, 2008

Hey, where did you get told that Billy was born in Dorset? He lives there now, but he was born and raised in Barking. From the official bio Still Suitable for Miners by Andrew Collins:
Billy was born Steven William Bragg on 20 December, 1957 in Upney Hospital, Barking, at that time part of Essex, but swallowed up in 1965 by Greater London; although you try telling the locals they don't live in Essex (you can take the town out of the county, but you can't take the county out of the town).
If you're seeing him at the Fillmore tonight, tell him I said hi. :-)
posted by maudlin at 11:30 AM on June 11, 2008

Yeah, I'm from near Bridport and there is no way he's from down that way originally. He's without a doubt an Essex boy.
posted by jontyjago at 2:42 PM on June 11, 2008

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