Looking for electronic dictionaries
April 10, 2008 7:50 AM

I am looking for an electronic dictionary that can translate English/Korean/Japanese. I have looked around, and there are simply too many to wade through without any that seem above the rest. Does anyone here happen to have any experience with one or have any recommendations? (I initially tried to find something for my Blackberry 8830; however, I had no luck as of yet)
posted by Knigel to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
Check out Amazon Japan. The linked page takes you to their electronic dictionaries page; if you click on the コンテンツカード link, you'll see there are K-J dictionaries. I think many of these dictionaries come with English built-in.

Electronic dictionaries are a much bigger deal in Japan than the USA (and perhaps Korea, don't know about that), and most of what you find is probably going to be Japan-centric. It's possible you could find a compatible K-E dictionary as well from a Korean source.
posted by adamrice at 8:08 AM on April 10, 2008

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