Freed up a little bit. Now what?
March 17, 2008 7:35 PM   Subscribe

Nagging, restless feeling that I could/should make large changes in my life.

I read through posts tagged life+change. I've been meditating for a few months now using "The Practice of Lojong" by Traleg Kyabgon. As I hoped, I'm clinging a bit less to all the little rituals I "had" to do to keep myself safe, healthy, sane, etc, etc, whatever. This has given me a bit more time during the day and more mental space, and I'm wondering what the heck to do with it.

I have a list of my personal "impossibles" and "could-nevers" like helping people out, one-on-one (like tutoring, soup-kitchen-type-stuff). I'm wondering what other ideas people have.

I'm finally learning Spanish.

What are some important, difficult life-changes that require some courage, tenacity, and an ongoing time-commitment?

Or, what are some personal "impossibles" and "could-nevers" that you actually smashed to bits and started doing?
posted by zeek321 to Religion & Philosophy (7 answers total) 10 users marked this as a favorite
I know you're looking for specific and anecdotal items, but I really think it's important to think of life itself requiring courage, tenacity and an ongoing time commitment. Habits are hard to break by definition and finding a better life for yourself will always require refinement and revisiting. One of the best pieces of advice not tied to any ideology I've ever been given is to "break out of whatever cage you find yourself in," which in itself requires your three criteria as well. :)
posted by rhizome at 8:02 PM on March 17, 2008 [1 favorite]

My big impossible is to move to Las Cruces, New Mexico to be near the developing Spaceport USA, and to sign up and go back to school there.
posted by humannaire at 8:35 PM on March 17, 2008

Oops. I meant, Spaceport America.
posted by humannaire at 9:06 PM on March 17, 2008

handstand in the middle of the room.. sitting without movement and watching my breath for five hours... keeping unwavering attention and controlling every movement of the body when doing some household work for half an hour or so. And there's more to come!
posted by rainy at 9:26 PM on March 17, 2008

I don't have anything too specific, this is a very personal question and I'm sure the answer will come to you. I just want to encourage you to keep meditating. It's so helpful.
posted by 1 at 9:27 PM on March 17, 2008

Or, what are some personal "impossibles" and "could-nevers" that you actually smashed to bits and started doing?

There was absolutely no way in hell I could sell everything I owned and wander the world without a home.
posted by tkolar at 12:16 AM on March 18, 2008

Impossible is a funny word. Think of things as choices rather than possibilities. Impossible is when you literally cannot do something (like fly without mechanic aid, or speak a foreign language without learning it). You can choose not to do something, or you can choose to do it.

Why would it be impossible for you to help out at a soup kitchen? Do you have mobility issues? Or a social phobia? If not, it isn't impossible, it's a choice. If you choose not to, fine. If you just think you can't, why not go along to one session at your local hostel and make up your mind based on actual experience?

If you choose to do something else, give it a go. Yes, making changes can be hard but not impossible. Often the hardest thing is making the decision in the first place, but once you have that set you'd be amazed how much the way opens up. I had a good stready well paid job and a nice flat, but it wasn't *me*. I wanted to throw every up in the air, so I moved to another country, where I knew no-one, and became rootless for a bit. It wasn't easy, but it certainly wasn't impossible. Go into change with your eyes open, research your goal, recognise the difference between real and imagined limitations.

Growing up means discovering there are no blueprints. Go for it, amaze yourself :)
posted by freya_lamb at 3:33 AM on March 18, 2008 [1 favorite]

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