What should I build for my final project (in a technical Master's program)?
October 30, 2007 11:32 AM   Subscribe

What should I do for my technology-related Master's final project? -How can I better brainstorm my own ideas? -Do you have a dream app you want me to implement? -Are there areas or problems that you feel are underserved by technology? I have a few ideas that I'm kinda excited about, but none that's pure gold. My program is pretty technical, but has close ties with econ, sociology, law, et others. Pretty loose requirements. Hive minds are of interest to me, so I thought this would be a cool place to hear people's suggestions.

I like to approach brainstorming by identifying either 1) problems or 2) things that people naturally like to do. Subsequently, I come up with solutions to alleviate the issues or facilitate the natural pre-existing behaviours in a novel way. I've been told to narrow the scope by focusing on one type of people.

I would love for this project to capture my passion, and subsequently my time, and then possibly some money. I'm not raring to get back to work for big tech companies. I'm ready to collaborate with some cool people on cool things, and to look for many "thousand-dollar ideas" that pique me (and feed me), instead of one big idea that may never hit.
posted by k7lim to Technology (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Here is my idea that I have neither the motivation or technical expertise to carry out...and it very well might already exist.

My idea has a device which may not be up your alley but there could be workarounds.

I would like to have a PDA like thing that has a scanner. I go to the store, see a blender, scan the barcode and the PDA, in conjunction with Google Maps and Froogle and whatever, lists area stores that I can buy the same item and for what price.

Barring designing a scanner/PDA thing, even having a program that you could just type the product number in and have hte same results would be kinda neat.
posted by ian1977 at 11:45 AM on October 30, 2007

You could think of some application to make it easier for someone handicapped to use an existing technology. For example, think about what might be hard for a bind or low-vision person about using a computer. Etc. related. You could also think about stuff that would make it easier for an amputee to use a computer, etc - useful for returning soldiers among others.
posted by LobsterMitten at 12:38 PM on October 30, 2007

A web 2.0 solution for academics. Like facebook, but for researchers, so they can exchange ideas/papers/opportunities for collaboration etc.
posted by dhruva at 9:50 PM on October 30, 2007

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