How do I jump managers?
October 15, 2007 1:35 PM   Subscribe

I'm thinking of applying for another position inside my company that would basically be a parallel move -- same position, different group. How should I structure my resume?

I've had several managers due to restructuring of our department over the last four years, but I've never made a move myself until now. I would be looking at a parallel move, since there'd be a minimal difference in pay but the work I'd be doing would be in support of a different group. I have previously worked with this manager so he has an idea of what I've done previously, but may not know the full breadth of what my projects have covered.

So far, I'm planning on highlighting the projects I've been involved with, my role, and the technologies used (this is a corporate programming job). Additionally, I'm mentioning any advisory groups I've been in within the company, training I've been sent to, and conferences I've attended.

How should I approach this? I'm going to drop by and informally talk to the hiring manager within the next day, but any help on how someone else has managed this switchover would be great.
posted by mikeh to Work & Money (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Get the position description and write your resume around it. Don't include too much detail that doesn't relate to the job, but include enough to show that, not only can you handle this job, you have potential to be a valuable team member in other ways. If you know enough about the unit, try and fit in something that you know you can do and that they have a current shortage of in terms of HR.
posted by dg at 8:41 PM on October 15, 2007

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