Please help my poor puppy!
September 2, 2007 2:33 PM   Subscribe

Dog illness problem. Emergency vet time?

We came home today and our usually hyper 4.5 year old mutt was very sedate. Then when we went to take him out for a walk, he has trouble getting off the couch. His back legs seem to be weak, though he could walk, and he was lethargic. The past two days he's had some diarrhea, but nothing else. The vet is obviously closed today and tomorrow. Is this something to worry about? Something to go to the emergency vet for?
posted by JonahBlack to Pets & Animals (15 answers total)
Yes, go. Lethargy and weakness = bad.
posted by SpecialK at 2:37 PM on September 2, 2007 [3 favorites]

Yes, seconding SpecialK. Definitely go to the emergency vet, ASAP. All these symptoms put together are not good. I don't want to freak you out, but the sooner you get your dog looked at, the better.
posted by hurdy gurdy girl at 2:46 PM on September 2, 2007

Thirding emergency vet.
posted by biscotti at 2:50 PM on September 2, 2007

Don't panic, but yes this is emergent and you want to go to the emergency vet.
posted by dog food sugar at 4:05 PM on September 2, 2007

Call the emergency vet and ask their advice, but I think they'll recommend a visit. I've called and had them tell me I didn't need to bring the dog in.
posted by theora55 at 4:06 PM on September 2, 2007

It could be that he's just banged or pulled something in a leg, and it's getting him down. One of my dogs is always injuring herself and it makes her all mopey.

However, I've learned to recognize that behavior with her, so if this is new for your guy, I'm Nthing the vet visit. Why do these things always seem to happen over holiday weekends? (My girl needed stitches last Thanksgiving ... bleh.)

I hope you'll keep us updated, and that it's not serious!
posted by iguanapolitico at 4:31 PM on September 2, 2007

Yes, definitely go to the emergency vet. It could be nothing, but the symptoms you describe are typical of both Lyme disease and back/spinal injury -- neither of which you want to wait on. My wife (the vet tech who is really answering this question) recommends Angell Memorial to people in the Boston area -- as a teaching hospital their prices can be lower than other emergency practices.
posted by Rock Steady at 4:33 PM on September 2, 2007

Response by poster: Took him to the Angell Memorial, but they have no clue what's wrong, doesn't seem in pain, but he's also had his Lyme vaccination, and he hasn't had any ticks recently. We're on watch it and see duty, along with some anti-inflammatory medication. Thanks for all the answers, it confirmed what I thought. Now all I hope is that it isn't the start of some neurological condition.
posted by JonahBlack at 5:30 PM on September 2, 2007

Good luck--I hope everything turns out OK for you and your dog.
posted by hurdy gurdy girl at 6:36 PM on September 2, 2007

They tested for Lyme, right? Vets have mixed opinions about the efficacy of the vaccine, and you don't always see the ticks that carry Lyme (they are pretty small). Good luck, and be sure to follow up with your regular vet after the weekend.
posted by Rock Steady at 9:09 PM on September 2, 2007

Testing for Lyme in a dog who has received the vaccine is pretty much useless, since the vaccine can cause a positive test result, and since dogs who have been vaccinated can still get the disease (which is why it's a controversial vaccine: it is not all that effective, and it can hinder the diagnosis of an infection), if you live in an area where Lyme is common, it is often common practice to treat for Lyme if you have an animal with Lyme symptoms, regardless of test results.

If you live in an area where ticks are reasonably common, and the dog is not feeling better by tomorrow, I would seek a second opinion, it is possible to have Lyme or other tick-borne illnesses even if the dog has been vaccinated (and ticks can easily be missed).
posted by biscotti at 10:27 PM on September 2, 2007

Yes, my vet told us the Lyme vaccination is not 100% effective, and when he was showing some similar signs tested him for the disease. (He didn't have it, he's just lazy.)
posted by miss tea at 4:46 AM on September 3, 2007

Response by poster: Good news, seems the anti-inflammatory is doing the trick. After one pill and a night's sleep, he's much perkier, and can stand up and sit down much easier. He's a bit back to his normal self. He must have just sprained his back or something freaking out at the upstairs neighbors' party guests that came over while we were gone. We are going to keep an eye on him still, but today is a much better day.
posted by JonahBlack at 6:09 AM on September 3, 2007

My first thought is Lyme, but something else to consider is have you changed his food recently. Sudden changes in the food caused this in my pup. Really caused some internal unhappiness, which took some time to work through.

But I would be looking at Lyme first.
posted by fluffycreature at 8:25 AM on September 3, 2007

Yay! I'm glad it's good news. I'm so glad to hear your pub is back to his regular self.
posted by dog food sugar at 5:15 AM on September 4, 2007

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