How to decomplie a Plucker file format
August 16, 2007 11:06 AM   Subscribe

How can I extract the original HTML from a Plucker .pdb file?

I have some pdb files which I can read in Plucker on my Palm, but I'd like to be able to extract the HTML and view in a full-fledged browser (and possibly edit) on a desktop. I downloaded the Plucker files pre-compiled, and the original source on the web is unavailable. (I use Mac OS X, but I have access to a Windows machine, so a utility on any platform will be fine.)
posted by L'homme armé to Technology (2 answers total)
If you download the Whole Plucker Package, you will find the untility "unpluck" which can be used to convert back to HTML.
posted by honest knave at 3:14 PM on August 16, 2007

Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't there some DCMA issues by decompiling these? Aren't pdb files drm-ed?

Any way, you might want to see pdbc. It's FOSS.
posted by enriquem at 5:09 PM on August 21, 2007

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