How would you help the world heal from the unrecognized presence of a deviant kind?
June 9, 2007 2:53 PM   Subscribe

If there were such a thing as Ritual Satanic Abuse or alien adbuction, what would happen to the conscience of a young person - between the ages of 3-5 - secretly made to suffer even a single night of insanity? Without a context to manage the experience, how would this traumatic event later manifest itself? Would it be recoverable? That is, since there is no acknowledgement of such a thing happening in the world today, if it did happen, what would be a way for the traumatized person to recover?

Rather than a bona fide satanist movement (corny), alien abduction conspiracy (cornier), etc., what if a condition exists which perpetuates itself amongst the group of individuals - whom I call "people without a conscience" - which unites them under extraordinary situations and causes them to re-enact a set of events which transformed them into monsters in order to perpetuate and "reproduce" their own kind?

While I am unable off-hand - from an evolutionary vantage point - to think of any reason for such a condition to exist, that is but one aspect of this conceptual situation.

The simple premise,"takes one to know one," could explain how like psychopaths/sociopaths attract one another. In this way, a spontaneously-occuring reproductive unit could come together - if only for an instant and not for any other reason besides reproduction - for the purpose of perpetuation of the condition.

Accoding to my own thinking on the matter, imaginably perpetuation might use a similar set of mechanic as a virus: Take a healthy cell (a youngster), injure it in a way that is not overly-telling but irreparable (gross sexual abuse combined with exposure to a massively deviant/emotionally malevolant setting; something that could occur in a single evening and hypothetically would only have to happen once), and then allow the event - for which the youngster would have no appropriate context in which to "sort" it - to take root and fester until adulthood. (Beyond this, a conscienceless person who may in all likelihood be the youngster's parent, as a sociopath, could be able to continue with the charade of being a seemingly loving and healthy parent, thereby further adding to and furthering the unsortable madness experienced by the traumatized youngster.

Aside from logistics (meeting, gathering, setting; all of which have enough parrallels in nature to allow for their possibility regardless of their implausibilty) and whether or not it could happen, what I am asking here is...

...and here is the big question...

...IF it DID happen, and said perpetrators WERE able to escape detection, what could a once-traumatized person do to help the world get over the unacknowledged presence of such a condition and then to heal?
posted by humannaire to Human Relations

This post was deleted for the following reason: this is really a chatfilter "I'll go first" question.

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