Can I rent a Minsk in Saigon?
February 6, 2007 11:51 PM   Subscribe

Can I rent a Minsk motorcycle in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam?

These things are all over the Central Highlands and I know there are at least two places in Hanoi where one can rent them, but what about in Saigon? The ones that ARE around are mostly owned by expats, and I don't really want to buy one right now.
posted by borkingchikapa to Travel & Transportation around Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (2 answers total)
Try emailing Digby Greenhalgh. He is Vietnam's foremost Minsk expert.
posted by Etaoin Shrdlu at 1:25 AM on February 7, 2007

Response by poster: Oh, good idea. I think I've actually met that guy.
posted by borkingchikapa at 1:38 AM on February 7, 2007

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