Best Probabilty and Statistics textbook?
October 17, 2006 7:22 PM   Subscribe

If you were to buy just one text on probability and statistics (and their applications) that covers the subjects in some depth (building from an introductory college level, through advanced undergraduate to a graduate level and perhaps further) and does a good job of making the basic concepts clear with solved examples (employing those drawn from actual research), which one would you choose?
posted by sk381 to Science & Nature (2 answers total) 8 users marked this as a favorite
Motulsky, Intuitive Biostatistics. Only stats text I kept from my college days. Still use it as a reference. Doesn't cover multivariate, but does discuss it in concept.

The text assumes you'll use a stats program to do the calculations, and rightly realizes that doing the test isn't nearly as hard as figuring out which test is appropriate in the first place. Focuses more on discussing why and when to use specific stats tests, and how to interpret results, rather than spending time grinding through how they work.
posted by caution live frogs at 8:20 PM on October 17, 2006

Probability and Random Processes by Grimmet and Stirzaker was the text we used when I took grad-level basic probability. It's an excellent book, very comprehensive with lots of examples, though it would be pretty harsh if you didn't have a pretty solid undergrad calculus background. Definitely one to have on the shelf as you're learning, though.
posted by Astragalus at 8:46 PM on October 17, 2006

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