canceling Google Workspace
August 23, 2023 5:56 PM

I have a recurring charge on my credit card for Google Workspace. How can I cancel it? I'm not the admin of any orgs that use Google, I only have 2 Gmail accounts that use Google One, and Google Support itself has refused to help when I open a support ticket. Credit card says I have to contact the bank directly. Any ideas for stopping this charge, or some hidden corner of Google where I can find the Workspace settings?
posted by icosahedron to Technology (4 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
you have a Gmail account but you don't say if you have gone to "manage your Google account" (not manage your Gmail). And then go to Payments & Subscriptions? I'm not sure but I am sure it was manage your Google account where I went to cancel my husband's workspace when he passed away.
posted by memoryindustries at 6:43 PM on August 23, 2023

can you please explain "credit card says I have to contact the bank directly"?

when you go to your gmail, and click on the "Google (Avatar)" button in the top right, do you see something like "managed by" or "admin console"?
posted by Geckwoistmeinauto at 6:49 PM on August 23, 2023

Is there any chance that charge is for your Google One? Google seems to bill a lot of things under the name of Google Workspace — when I had YouTube premium it showed up as a GSuite charge (old name for Workspace) and caused me a lot of confusion until I dug way into it.

As memoryindustries says above, the Google admin is where you go to poke around for subscriptions. It’s infuriatingly difficult to find that login page, and sadly the experience doesn’t get any better from there. Every time I use their admin console they have moved things around and buried things deep into non-intuitively named menus — be forewarned!

And if that doesn’t bear fruit, I know all credit cards are different, but I have had pretty good luck doing a chargeback and/or a stop payment for subscriptions if I document the steps I took to make the charge stop before reaching out about a chargeback. It might be useful to try the admin console investigation above and document with screenshots things like you not having a subscription to Workspace and Google refusing to open a ticket for you, and offering to provide that to your credit card provider. Charges you don’t recognize are often handled by the fraud department and they tend to be more helpful than just the card’s customer service.

I am thinking you maybe meant something different than your credit card company telling you to reach out to the bank (unless you mean like reaching out to Visa/Mastercard instead of the company whose brand is on the card), but in case that is what they told you, I would suggest the same course of action as above: try your best to figure out what the charge is to cancel it, then document it if you can’t and ask for a stop payment and a chargeback. (Also, if you get ahold of someone at Google again, saying you will do that often will get a customer service agent to escalate and fix the issue because they know credit card companies have zero problems issuing a chargeback and letting them eat the fees.)
posted by the thorn bushes have roses at 12:42 AM on August 24, 2023

It couldn't be fraud, could it? I had some charges that looked like "Totally Legit Apple Cloud Services Provider, Totally" on a bill one month and called the credit card bank. They reversed the charges, canceled the card, and sent me a new card/new number.
posted by adekllny at 9:54 AM on August 24, 2023

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