New subwoofer
October 6, 2021 5:27 AM

What new subwoofer?

So on the one hand the semi-craptastic subwoofer that's 20-something years old died. On the other hand, something happened with an adjunct instructor so now I'm teaching that course too. On the gripping hand, this also means I get some extra money, so it's time to replace the subwoofer.

My plan is/was to put together a list of candidates at around USD1000 and ask biscotti to find the one that best meets her needs as a Chrimmas prezzie. But it's price hike season, so maybe it makes more sense to pull the trigger on one now-ish.

Anyway, current candidates are

Rhythmik FVX12 (price hike on Friday)
Hsu VTF-3 if it comes back into stock
Monolith 12 if it comes back into stock (new 13" is avail but significantly overbudget)
SVS PB-2000, which has had its price hike and is now a bit overbudget

Use case is mostly tv/movies and video games (RDR2 and other RPGs mostly), but I think both of us would be more annoyed by muddy, boomy bass listening to music than we would be by not making the room rumble enough when something explodes in a movie, so let's prioritize music. Bass extension probably more important than output levels since we have neighbors ~40 feet away.

What else should I be looking at? In this price range I'm dealing with lots of direct-ship companies so I accept that I won't be able to go listen ahead of purchase.
posted by GCU Sweet and Full of Grace to Shopping (6 answers total)
Professional audio tech here: not Klipsch, their amp modules in recent models have a high failure rate. Svs is a solid brand and their subs generally sound good. I'm not familiar with the other brands you list. Good luck!
posted by Larry David Syndrome at 6:03 AM on October 6, 2021

I don't have one of their subwoofers, but bought SVS Prime towers ~5 years ago; they sound great & build quality is outstanding. SVS made their rep w/subwoofers; I wouldn't hesitate to add one to my current setup but have plenty of bass w/ just the towers.
posted by Bron at 6:42 AM on October 6, 2021

I love my Outlaw equipment. I don't have one of their subs, but the reviews are good and the price is right:

posted by Don_K at 7:03 AM on October 6, 2021

I have an SVS PB-1000 that is about 5 or 6 years old now.
It is solid and has performed well.
It sits in the corner of an average sized living room.

Musically, I generally am listening to classic rock or 80s on the system, meaning there isn't a lot of heavy bass going on.
It blends well and adds depth without being overwhelming.

It can get a little out of sorts on music with fast, repetitive heavy bass, so maybe not the best choice if you are listening to something like that.

It has a nice kick when you have an action movie soundtrack cranked up, The BRAAAM has a good feel to it.

If you have the space, you might consider dual PB-1000s instead of a one larger PB-2000 for an overall improved experience.
posted by madajb at 5:10 PM on October 6, 2021

Thanks everyone! Ordered a Rythmik. I'll report on it when it's here and set up.
posted by GCU Sweet and Full of Grace at 12:55 PM on October 7, 2021

Huh apparently things called "bass drums" exist and make audible sounds who knew?
posted by GCU Sweet and Full of Grace at 11:11 AM on October 14, 2021

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