COVID testing postvax
June 22, 2021 4:34 PM   Subscribe

I'm fully vaccinated. I spent a hell of a long day in airports Sunday. I woke up Monday with a fever, chills, relatively severe soreness in every muscle and joint and all of my skin. I feel completely back to normal, happy and healthy today. I'm going to get tested tomorrow, but is there any chance it will actually show positive if in fact I did have a lil 24-hour bout with COVID?

Just curious about the mechanism of these things, I don't have any plans to go out anywhere.
posted by so fucking future to Health & Fitness (11 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Response by poster: I guess this is actually a kind of dumb question, because the test results will determine my future behavior regardless. But still! Curious how viral infections work/are detected if symptoms go away.
posted by so fucking future at 4:53 PM on June 22, 2021

A couple of observations. Sunday to Monday morning is too short an incubation time. Incubation is typically at least a week. And COVID is not a 24hr illness - I'm not aware of any evidence that full vaccination would result in such a short illness.
posted by pipeski at 5:42 PM on June 22, 2021 [10 favorites]

At the very least, if it was COVID, the test result will tell you whether you're still shedding enough virus to be potentially contagious.

It's far from inconceivable that you got exposed to a big whack of virus in the airport, and your now-fully-trained crack squad of immune-system cells and antibodies detected it immediately and shifted to a wartime footing, thereby routing the would-be infection in 24 hours. Incubation time happens because your immune system doesn't notice the intruders until they've multiplied a ton because it doesn't yet know what they look like. Vaccination changes that.
posted by heatherlogan at 7:31 PM on June 22, 2021 [5 favorites]

We've also got new variants floating around, and while the mRNA vaxes are mostly as effective against those, other vaccines may not be. And even 95% or better effective against the old strains isn't perfect. So it's worth testing.

But yes, short incubation, short duration sounds like something else
posted by wotsac at 9:15 PM on June 22, 2021 [3 favorites]

If it IS in fact COVID, then yes you do have a chance of testing positive. Symptomatic = higher viral load = higher chance of testing positive (to vastly oversimplify). The vaccine won't stop you from testing positive.
posted by mekily at 9:39 PM on June 22, 2021 [2 favorites]

Two close family members spent time traveling and in the airports over the past week. They are both vaccinated and they both came down with the same symptoms you’re describing. One of them had a rapid Covid test this week and it came back negative. They’re both chalking it up to traveling/being “out” for the first time in over a year. I hope you feel better soon!
posted by WaspEnterprises at 11:07 PM on June 22, 2021

Just a price of info for you: unless cases are very high in your area, I highly recommend getting a PCR test rather than a rapid test due to a potential false negative.
posted by raccoon409 at 3:32 AM on June 23, 2021 [1 favorite]

Maybe allergens or a little cold virus, which you haven't been exposed to very much after a year of COVID staying home?
posted by wenestvedt at 6:58 AM on June 23, 2021 [1 favorite]

In the month after my 2nd vax, I had 2 episodes of sore throat, congestion, feeling crappy, fever of 101 to 103. Both episodes lasted @ 12 - 18 hours. The 2nd time, I got tested and it was negative. I think it may have been a weird vax reaction.
posted by theora55 at 7:02 PM on June 23, 2021

Just get tested! We're going to keep having lots of positive but barely or asymptomatic COVID cases because the vaccines are known to be like 75-95% effective (but are 100% effective against death).
posted by latkes at 5:47 AM on June 24, 2021

A lot of folks I know have almost immediately gotten a nasty cold as soon as the mask mandates started loosening. None of them had COVID, just a bad cold that probably felt EXTRA NASTY after not having been sick for a year + COVID anxiety. I hope you feel better!
posted by Aquifer at 5:44 PM on June 25, 2021

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