Need clove cigarettes
March 21, 2006 7:35 PM

Where can I buy Djarum Super clove cigarettes online in the U.S.?

I've been trying and this is my luck so far:
- -- allows me to check out then tells me they can't ship to Texas since they were busted in New York -- they're also like a hydra and have several doppelganger sites that likewise tell me I can't order due to the bust
- - I don't get a good vibe... their picture looks photoshopped
- -- they want an electronic check (yeah, right, like I'm giving my ABA/routing out to an unknown site) or money order
- -- payment option: check

There's also some sites that have inflated prices... $40+ a carton when $30-35 is the going rate.

Can someone refer me to a trusted source online that takes Visa or Paypal? I'll even phone the order in if they do that and are reliable.

There's no local places... I'm in east Texas, where "exotic" cigarettes means a pack of Kools.
posted by rolypolyman to Shopping (2 answers total)
Are you allowed to privately ship them? I'd send you some, but I'm in Canada, and they cost about 12 bucks a pack up here.
posted by loquax at 7:52 PM on March 21, 2006

Call a tobacco shop or a head shop in Austin (seriously, there have to be TONS) - they can probably do mail order.
posted by sluggo at 7:17 PM on March 22, 2006

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