Where can I buy this specific bookstand (or something similar)?
November 22, 2019 3:59 AM

I have a bookstand that I like. (front view; rear view; side view.) It holds books at just the right height and angle for my needs, and I want to get a second one that is as much like this one as possible. Unfortunately, I don't remember where I got it. Can anybody point me towards one that's the same or similar?
posted by yankeefog to Shopping (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
This looks like it: All Chrome Kitchen Recipe Book Stand Holder Easel
posted by miratime at 4:01 AM on November 22, 2019

Wow! That's an almost instantaneous correct answer. Thanks, Miratime!

If anybody can help me find a place to buy it (or something like it) in the UK, that would be a bonus, but if not, I'll pick one up on my next visit to the US.

Thanks again!
posted by yankeefog at 4:19 AM on November 22, 2019

Deleted answer as product is discontinued in the link I posted.
posted by essexjan at 1:56 PM on November 22, 2019

I found one on Ebay.
posted by essexjan at 2:03 PM on November 22, 2019

Incredible! Thank you, essexjan! I just bought the one you found and it's on its way to me now. AskMe never ceases to amaze me.
posted by yankeefog at 12:41 PM on November 25, 2019

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