New to Square POS & Appointments - help?
May 17, 2018 8:13 PM   Subscribe

I'm new to Square POS & Appointments. I have some questions for our new business, and can't seem to find either the answers or work-arounds I'm looking for. Can you help?

Apologies if the answers are out there and I missed them. I might not have the correct terminology.

The questions:

1. We run a music store. Our students will pre-pay for lesson packages (for example, 12 lessons at $30 each). We would like Square to keep note and keep track of when a lesson in the package is used. When all lessons are used, we would like Square to notify us.

We can't figure out if this is an option. There are some work-arounds we've considered, such as using gift cards or the loyalty program in reverse manner, and we can certainly manually keep track. Am I missing a clean automated way to keep track of this? The dream would be to click a button under the customer name that takes the tally from 12 to 11, etc.

2. Many of our customers are parents who book for their children. Sometimes they have multiple children taking lessons. The lessons are paid for, however, by one card on file. Two questions here: is there an easy way to associate multiple family members with same account? (Without manually entering in a note.) Is there a way to associate the same card to multiple students without rekeying?

For example, if Jane Parent has Joe Student and Maya Student taking lessons, we would love a "family" option that ties all of their information together, while keeping the students' names separate on the appointment calendar.

3. Are we able to edit past purchases?

Again, sorry if these questions are obviously Google-able - I Googled, I swear. I sense I'm missing something, and would be happy to get advice. Thank you!
posted by Zosia Blue to Technology (2 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Hm. I don’t know but I do know that at my yoga studio they have the ability to check you in and see that you have X number of passes in the system. Several of these places use mindbodyonline (I think) as their processor. Maybe have a look at that setup and see if you can mimic that in your system. Or talk to a yoga studio! “Punch passes” are really common there.
posted by amanda at 6:44 AM on May 18, 2018

Why not call Square? From my limited interactions their customer service is pretty good.
posted by oneirodynia at 4:14 PM on May 18, 2018

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