Writing classes, groups, and workshops in LA -- where to find them?
October 17, 2017 4:40 PM   Subscribe

What are the best places in LA for a writer to hone their craft? I'm a new writer and would like to learn more about how to do it. Details inside.

Hi everyone! I'm a very new writer -- I've just started writing a few pages a day on 750words to try to train myself into the habit. For the longest time, I've had ideas and inspirations which I've wanted to write about and show to people, but only recently have I decided to finally get started on producing stories. Now that I'm getting into the habit, I would like to work on improving my skill with writing, something which I think would work best with external sources, whether that's a group of fellow writers, a classroom environment, or something similar. If it matters, I'm mainly interested in writing genre fiction, short stories mainly (but maybe someday a novel!). Some things I really want to improve are my ability to come up with plots and my prose.

I'm interested in any kind of environment where I can get feedback, but especially those where assignments are given out. I'm open to both free and paid groups, whether they're a business of their own or they meet in the back of a bookstore Thursday nights. I would like to find something close to Toluca Lake, since I generally rely on public transportation and don't want to spend hours getting back home after a session. I wouldn't be opposed to an online class if it were actually good.

Thanks for your help!
posted by miltthetank to Writing & Language (4 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
My answer is more about connecting with other writers, though I hope it is helpful.

Nanowrimo is about to start! The whole thing is customizable in a sense- you can just participate online, or go to 'write-ins'. I enjoy the local community immensely and avoid the forums myself. It will be a great way to keep the habit going through November. I've met more serious writers who have connections in various writing groups. Best of luck!
posted by maya at 4:49 PM on October 17, 2017

This directly conflicts with your transportation concerns (welcome to L.A.), but you should seriously check out Beyond Baroque. A literary institution of L.A.'s Westside, they've been around since 1968 and have nurtured a huge cross-section of our city's talent. (Their Web site mentions Dennis Cooper, Wanda Coleman, Tom Waits, Exene Cervenk[ov]a and Amy Gerstler, to name a few.)

There's also the L.A. bureau of Shut Up And Write!, which has branches all over town, including the Valley.
posted by mykescipark at 5:08 PM on October 17, 2017 [1 favorite]

I have never set foot in Los Angeles, but I hear great things about Writing Pad!
posted by princesspathos at 6:52 PM on October 17, 2017

I've taken a few classes here over the years and found them to be quite good, if pricey.
posted by socialjusticeworrier at 10:06 PM on October 17, 2017

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