Therapist recommendations on Kaiser in DC
October 3, 2017 8:28 PM   Subscribe

I'd like to give therapy another shot. The challenge is that, while I'm generally happy with my Kaiser Permanente coverage in DC, my previous experience trying to get therapy through them wasn't great.

I really didn't gel with the provider they gave me, and I couldn't get appointments with her closer than six weeks apart anyway, so I canceled the third visit and never went back. At this point, group therapy's not a good option for me.

I'm not in crisis or anything, but I really want to try something, so I'm seeing if anyone's had a better experience or suggestions to share, or has a recommendation for somebody out of network in DC who works on a reasonable sliding scale.

Thanks much in advance.
posted by jameaterblues to Health & Fitness 1 user marked this as a favorite
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