Help me ID this sci-fi YA book series
October 9, 2015 6:29 AM   Subscribe

I'm trying to remember a books series I read when I was a kid. It was a post-apocalyptic sci-fi YA series (at least four or five books I think) aimed at a Christian audience.

I read it around the mid- to late-nineties and I believe it was published around then. I believe it was aimed at a Christian audience, though I don't recall how explicit those themes were. I think it was just Narnia-style Jesus allegories.

The plot had to do with a group of kids surviving a nuclear holocaust by being cryogenically frozen (or something like that) in a silo. When they awaken, the world has been transformed by the nuclear fallout into a fantasy world full bizarre creatures. I believe you're initially made to think that this is the far future, but there's this old, deformed guy that serves as their mentor who (twist!) turns out to be the main character's dad who survived the attack.

The only other thing I recall was that one of the books took place on the top of high plateaus in a community of winged people. I think there was some sort of romance between one of the kids and a winged kid and there was a person with wings on the book cover.

Can anyone ID this book series?
posted by fryman to Writing & Language (2 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: That would be the Seven Sleepers series by Gilbert L. Morris.
posted by mayhap at 7:02 AM on October 9, 2015 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Nailed it. Thank you
posted by fryman at 7:13 AM on October 9, 2015

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