Numbers geek seeks similar
November 24, 2005 12:25 PM   Subscribe

A question about statistics related to an technology helpdesk.

I run a helpdesk for a publishing company. This is not an IT helpdesk which tend to run to corporate infrastructure issues, but a helpdesk with which (on the whole internal) customers can log calls for services that our technology dept has built for them - online services, editorial systems, data feeds and the like.

Over the last year my reporting on these services has improved three- or four-fold. I report mostly on service availability, resource expenditure, call activity. More recently, for a Value For Money presentation, i took a leaf from my old economics classes at college and tried experimenting with service/call elasticy (whether an increase in the number of services has an effect of the number of calls being logged - it did). True to form the information was never used, but it got me more interested in statistics than ive ever been, so i'm now looking for more interesting ways to experiment with the data, maybe increasing the scope of the data that i have already. My last presentation merited a Good Job from the Director, but id like to excel (no pun intended) on top of what i've already got.

A quick look at google didnt reveal that much in terms of helpdesk/statistical courses, so i was wondering if anyone here with similar work experience was using more advanced methods of reporting than i (like the elasticity process mentioned above), or can offer advice as to the direction i should take, or courses (online or off-) that would be a good starter-for-ten. I'm in the UK.
posted by urbanwhaleshark to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
Their are various statistically based business process management techniques that have been applied to "knowledge work." Six-sigma was popular a few years ago. Microsoft and some other big IT firms have been funding academic research into techniques for demonstrating the value of IT investments. I think they are working through this group:
posted by Good Brain at 3:15 PM on November 24, 2005

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