Is this a feature? I hope this isn't a feature.
April 3, 2015 1:42 PM   Subscribe

Simple question, I hope, but this is driving me nuts. On an iMac with Yosemite, I would like to be able to leave the keyboard for, say, ninety minutes—without getting automatically logged out.

In system preferences, in 'desktop & screensaver,' I have the screensaver set to come on "Never," and in 'energy saver' I have computer sleep and display sleep both set to 3 hours, and all the boxes unchecked. I must be missing something, though, because within an hour after I leave the desk, I have been logged out, and upon logging back in I find all my applications have been closed.


Don't worry, I don't want to leave it like this all the time and despoil the planet, but occasionally I want to be able to save at a particular spot in Borderlands without losing my progress.
posted by bricoleur to Computers & Internet (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Under "Security & Privacy", Advanced (in the lower right corner), there's a checkbox to log out after X minutes of inactivity. Is that checked?
posted by brentajones at 1:50 PM on April 3, 2015 [2 favorites]

Are you sure it's not crashing? I leave my Mac logged in for days
posted by nightwood at 1:50 PM on April 3, 2015

Yeah, my work one goes from screen lock to sleep (that is, nothing's running) under Yosemite now, even when plugged in. I have to set System Preferences → Power Management (or is it Energy Saving?) to never turn off if I have to run something for any length of time.
posted by scruss at 2:07 PM on April 3, 2015

Response by poster: Ahhh, thank you so much, brentajones!
posted by bricoleur at 2:07 PM on April 3, 2015

I like the Caffeine app for this . Click the cup icon to put it in never sleep mode. Awesome for presentations too!
posted by gregglind at 2:47 PM on April 3, 2015

+1 for Caffeine.
Just make sure you lower the screen brightness if you are going to leave the Mac unattended for hours...

I use Caffeine or a Mouse Jiggler to keep a Mac awake while running certain tasks.

Tip for when you did a upgrade to Yosemite or had to clean out the Spotlight index. Run Caffeine for 5 hours to give the Mac time to rebuild the index. Its the most common reason why people complain about Yosemite being slow and buggy after upgrading. Its Spotlight still taking all the resources to rebuild. If you let it do its thing for a couple of hours (overnight) it will be just fine ;-)
posted by Mac-Expert at 3:04 PM on April 3, 2015

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