Does anyone else see different frequencies, have visions, etc?
January 6, 2015 2:50 AM   Subscribe

A little over 2 years ago I went through an event that has left me seeing vibrations or different frequencies, at least that's what I seem to get from research. Truthfully, I have no idea what I am seeing but whenever I get mindful and look around I constantly see something similar to the static snow you see on a television. I see that all the time.

At times I also seem to see things moving. I have seen various shapes that appear to be moving around me. I have seen what I believe to be demons and potentially angels. At times I feel a negative energy with it, at times I feel neutral but still freaked out. When the latter happens I just assume it's positive and that my own fear is the cause of any angst.

I am feeling lost. I saw Jonas Elrod's documentary Wake Up and that is exactly what I am going through. Community is my desire but a level headed one. I've met some new-age people I just can't seem to resonate with. I'm a college graduate in grad school and work in the social service field. Pretty level headed stable guy.

Is anyone else going through this and feeling as lost as I am? Tell me about your experiences and what you make of it. Can you point me in the direction of anyone I can talk to to get some realistic, honest, level headed perspective? I didn't mean to offend any new age people, I just get turned off when people speak with such authority as if they know completely what I am going through and proceed to explain it to me without much listening.
posted by madmartigan3454 to Religion & Philosophy

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