I just finished a screenplay and I need help to actualize it
October 11, 2014 10:00 PM   Subscribe

Among other things I'm a writer. I had some time off my regular job and on a whim started writing a screenplay. I've written them before but they never passed my own muster and I tossed them. This one is different.

I sat down and wrote it from beginning to end in about five days with no edits. It holds together as a story, it has interesting characters (the main character is a thinly veiled version of me natch). It's got everything; plot tie in's up to the end, naked chicks right up front, an epic gun battle as the climax and of course the hero gets the girl at the end (maybe?...).

So I know I should 'get an agent' or whatever. I do know how the movie industry works but I have no contacts.

Like I said the main character is loosely based on me but everyone I know doesn't really know the real me and it would be awkward to have them read it without some filtration and plausible deniability so I can't post it on der interwebs.

Any general advice would be welcome but a me-mail with some real contact information is what I'm really after.

I've seen you guys work magic before so let's get this party started!
posted by sunslice to Media & Arts

This post was deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but "Any general advice would be welcome but a me-mail with some real contact information is what I'm really after" is basically immediate disqualification for this as a good use of Ask Metafilter. -- cortex

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