What midi drum kit should I buy?
September 16, 2014 3:30 PM   Subscribe

I'm looking to buy an electronic drum kit to use for general practice and playing Rock Band, but I don't know where to start so I'd like some recommendations.

I've been playing drums for quite awhile, but I can't have a real drum kit in my apartment, so I figured a midi kit was a good option. And while I'm at it, I thought I could improve the quality of my Rock Band playing experience. I'm also interested in using it as an actual midi instrument to record some of my own music. What kits are fun to play, fairly quiet and work well with Rock Band? I'm willing to pay to get good quality, but let's say under $1,000.
posted by Cogito to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (2 answers total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
Roland V-Drums are excellent. The mesh heads are more like a real drum than the rubber ones. Low-end sets have a mesh snare and rubber toms, but I think you can upgrade the toms later if you wish. Their various kit sounds are good, too.
posted by Johnny Wallflower at 6:30 PM on September 16, 2014

I'm just sitting around waiting for an unexpected windfall so that I can get the Roland V-Drums TD-4KP that folds up small.
posted by umbĂș at 7:39 PM on September 16, 2014

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