resources for planning and executing a career change?
August 19, 2014 8:46 PM   Subscribe

Are any of the coaches / services out there that advise on how to change careers actually legit and useful? I need help figuring out a career change and I see a million books and services out there for me to consume, but I would really value recommendations of someone who has successfully used any of those resources. My goal is to find a position showcasing writing and/or research skills.

I have already changed careers once, and I want to do it again and I'm not sure how. I'm not brave enough to start my own business yet -- I have some ideas, but I'm back-burnering them for the time being. I don't really want to work alone. I get lonely.

I'm a really good writer and a decent researcher. I can distill complex concepts down to their essence and communicate them in plain but readable English. In my work in various fields I've found that I do this much better and faster than most people. I enjoy research and I've won awards for my writing.

I have good degrees, I've practiced law briefly (disliked my practice, though I loved legal research) and I've worked as an in-house recruiter for leading global companies. Unfortunately my current company is not likely to have opportunities for me to make a career change -- they only hire people (even internally) who are already top notch and highly experienced at the kind of work they're being hired to do, so while we have openings in Communications and so forth, I wouldn't be considered for them.

My question is, are any of the resources I've seen advertised like for figuring out career changes, especially careers after lawyering, going to be useful to me? I've been out of law practice a long time, and my cite checking skills are not current. What I really want to do is figure out exactly what I need to do, or learn, to get a well paying role focusing on research and/or writing… ideally one where I'd have a wide enough variety of projects to not get bored immediately. Is there such a thing; or is there at least a reliable source for finding out IF there is such a thing?
posted by fingersandtoes to Work & Money (2 answers total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
I'd find someone who has the job you want and offer to buy them a cup of coffee in exchange for picking their brain for an hour.
posted by COD at 6:03 AM on August 20, 2014

CareerOneStop might be able to help. You can type in the job category you're in now and it will (among other things) suggest related categories. You can also search by job title and job skills. It isn't terribly specific, but it's free, and offers links to further resources if you need them.
posted by Rosie M. Banks at 6:48 AM on August 20, 2014

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