Shoulder arthroscopy after care tips/suggestions
August 17, 2014 6:08 PM   Subscribe

Mr Bun Surnt is under going a shoulder arthroscopy procedure. After intense googling, we know what to expect. However, do you have suggestions, hints, tips for prepping for his after care? I'll have to go back to work the following day so I'm looking at suggestions on how to make his recovery better/easier/entertaining while I'm gone?

We already have plans to load up on snacks and easy to prepare meals since I fail at cooking. We are also going to load up on magazines and DVDs.

Was there anything that made life easier while recovering at home while your loved one was at work? I know this isn't back surgery (mr already had that!) but any suggestions would be helpful.

Also, we have his pain management plan. Hopefully Percocet will be enough.

Many sincere thanks!
posted by Bun Surnt to Health & Fitness (5 answers total)
Best answer: Here is my RC surgery post-op question from a couple of years ago and I got a lot of great advice there.

The single best piece of advice, however, was jet_silver's suggestion about getting a chilling device ice machine. (It was similar to this one, but may have held a bit more ice.) I actually decided to pay for it out-of-pocket since it wasn't covered, and it was worth every penny. I have no doubt that it made the biggest difference in my recovery, other than doing my PT exercises religiously. Get the machine you can find that holds the most ice, and be prepared to either stock up on bags of ice or make frequent trips to the store. Honestly, in the future if I had to choose between an ice machine and the drugs I'd choose the ice machine in a heartbeat , and I really like drugs.

Feel free to MeMail me if you have any specific questions.
posted by Room 641-A at 6:39 PM on August 17, 2014

Best answer: I had a simpler icing set-up post surgery provided by the surgeon - BIG strap on ice pack with a couple of cold packs - one in freezer, one on my shoulder for first 24 hours and many hours afterwards. 4 months out I'm still icing a few times a day. Take the pain meds on schedule so he's ahead of the pain. Extra pillows to support the shoulder in whatever position is most comfy. Easy clothing that can be put on and off mostly one-handed. My doctor had me start pt 10 days out and do simple movements after just a couple days - was only immobilized for 24 hours after surgery but there are a lot of different standards on this.

And good luck - I have found it a long rough recovery but depending on just what he's having done and how messed up his shoulder is might not be too bad. Feel free to MeMail....
posted by leslies at 6:53 PM on August 17, 2014

Best answer: Room 641-A has a bunch of good information there. I would like to add a bit about PT. If you see a physician's assistant immediately post-op and not the surgeon, be exceedingly choosy about the therapeutic advice you accept until it is confirmed. The PA my orthopod (world-ranked, works on major league pitchers) had was, um, not well-informed. Get to a really good physical therapy outfit fast - make contact before your surgery - and be prepared for a fair amount of pain. You have to do everything strictly according to the PT doc's requirements. I was lucky to have had a terrific PT doc and a year's worth of it covered by insurance. Five years after my surgery I am climbing at a much higher level than ever I had before, and my yoga teachers opine that my shoulder mobility is about where it belongs.

The item about the arm not answering the helm in her thread is accurate. M. Bun Surnt will pretty much have a piece of meat with bones in it hanging from his trunk for a couple weeks, so please be super active in encouraging him to be gentle with it. I was shocked and afraid when my arm became a dead piece of meat. The sensation does come back, and in the short term that is a misfortune, but my outcome is so good that every bit of the pain and fear and inconvenience was worth it.
posted by jet_silver at 8:01 PM on August 17, 2014

Best answer: Basic: Make sure he has short-sleeved button shirts, so he can get a shirt on without help. Anything pullover won't be wearable until he feels better.

Anyone with modesty needs: If your surgeon and hospital permit, put on a tube top before the surgery and keep it on. The area below the shoulders will be completely covered throughout the process and it will greatly simplify getting dressed after the surgery.
posted by JimN2TAW at 8:37 PM on August 17, 2014

I have had hip [not shoulder] arthroscopy, and while I was not able to load the joint for some time afterwards, I didn't need painkillers at all after the first night home. Obviously YMMV.
posted by HiroProtagonist at 7:50 PM on August 19, 2014

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