Best data plan provider for use with Square Up underground?
March 28, 2014 7:51 PM   Subscribe

I want to use wifi for credit card transactions as much as I can. How are 4G, 3G, WiMAX, LTE and cellular connectivity different?

I retail at a dozen trade shows a year in enormous convention centers. Sometimes my booth is underground, or it is at ground level with very high ceilings and steel girders all over.

I have an iPad for credit card transactions which I use with my Square reader, but sometimes I cannot get a signal when I tether it to my Freedompop or Clear hotspot, even when I'm twenty feet away from the rolling doors of the outside loading docks.

I am confused as to why my ancient Verizon flip phone can call from the basement of the convention center, but a mifi has some sort of connectivity issue.
posted by ayc200 to Technology (1 answer total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Freedompop and Clear both use the Sprint network I believe. You'd probably be better off using a service from Verizon with your needs.
posted by dcjd at 8:17 PM on March 28, 2014

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