Identify this song please!
December 14, 2013 12:15 PM   Subscribe

My son has been watching this Mario Power-Ups video, and I cannot identify the song at 1:37. Can you?
posted by 41swans to Media & Arts (4 answers total)
Best answer: I have a good feeling someone might know the answer to this one.
posted by 517 at 12:24 PM on December 14, 2013 [3 favorites]

Response by poster: I've got it now :-)
posted by 41swans at 12:25 PM on December 14, 2013

(517 said the name of the song, is what happened. He hid it!)
posted by erlking at 12:42 PM on December 14, 2013

The original source of this much-used sample: Etta James- Something's Got A Hold On Me
My preferred updated/ sampled version of this song, which predates the Flo Rida one by ~ 5 years: Pretty Lights- Finally Moving
posted by GastrocNemesis at 5:29 AM on December 15, 2013 [1 favorite]

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