Is this workable?
October 2, 2013 8:11 PM   Subscribe

Complicated work politics job application question:

I work in health care, only about a year in my position. When I was rotated to another department the other day, I was asked by the manager there if I wanted to apply - they are hiring. She seems excited about me.

The job is in many ways more desirable than my current one. Better hours, less stress. Right now I don't even have a permanent position in my current department. More of an as-needed position lacking benefits.

HOWEVER, there is a staff member in this (relatively small) new department who has been there for decades and who I have a terrible, terrible history with. That person is not in management, but likely has influence as such a long-term staffer.

The terrible history? She was an Important Person in the training program I attended. The training program was (in my view) very problematic, and I led a campaign of sorts to compmlain about problems in the program that involved circulating a petition, upping complaints to her supervisors and their supervisors and their supervisors' supervisors, etc. Later on, I got into trouble with a faculty member in the program, and created another big stink, asking for a hearing, getting a lawyer, etc.

I was respectful and polite at all times, but this person was so central and important in my training program that she had to bear the brunt of the shit storm I stirred up. Without giving too many details, just take my word for it that I made her life hellish for some period of time (although in fairness to me, the program she worked for made my life hellish first, and I was at no point intending to direct shit at her, it was just her job to deal with unhappy participants).

My behavior in my training program was not typical of the rest of my life: I'm not a person who leaves a wake of disaster, although I am a person who speaks up and sometimes conflicts with authority, although as I say, I try to be respectful and I think I am.

Anyway.... Now I'm confused about what the implications will be if I apply for this job: It's a small department. We would, likely, have to work together or at least interact at times. I would of course be deferential, respectful, and just not bring up the topic with her. But I'm worried she'll talk to the management about me and ultimately have some fear that I'm getting too close to an ugly situation that I don't really want to follow me into my current workplace. (At this point I have no reason to think she even knows I work at the same organization as her.)

Is there any solution to this? Should I apply? Run away?
posted by anonymous to Human Relations (2 answers total)
Is it possible for you to talk to her about it? See what her attitude is about that situation?
Was she responsible for how awful the training program was? If not, and unless she were a person that I couldn't stand working with, I'd go ahead and apply.
posted by SLC Mom at 10:17 PM on October 2, 2013 [1 favorite]

You would be amazed at how beneficial asking her to lunch will prove. Lay it out there, be gracious and apologize (release all your "But I's...", and "You should's ..."), and start fresh. Pick up the check.
posted by thinkpiece at 7:49 AM on October 3, 2013 [1 favorite]

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